

Podcast Show:
歡迎加入今天2020年12月12日的棒球心理教室 我是主持人 Reno.

Welcome to join the Mind of Baseball today on December 12, 2020. I am the host, Reno.

Today I'm going to talk about the hardest position on the baseball field, and the workload he has to bear is definitely the heaviest on the team.
If today is a 4-hour game with 27 players in 9 innings, you can see that he almost stayed in a squatting position for 2 hours or even longer.
The subject we are going to discuss today is, the catcher.

( Let's take a look at amazing moments!! )


Although I still have huge blocks and strong throwing highlights want to share with you, but maybe next time.


Okay, after watching the Highlight, we've watched a lot of extreme reactions, quick behavioral decisions, and insight into the observation of the whole field.
These are a lot of things the catcher has to do during a game, including establishing a good relationship with the game's umpire. 
Have good communication with the pitcher, the most important thing is to help the pitcher win the game.


However, we all know that the catcher is the most overlooked position in a game. The spotlight of the game is often on the pitchers or the best hitter.
And the catcher is just defending arduously behind home plate and lasting the entire game.
Has anyone ever thought that he is the one who needs to maintain the longest focus in the game and also needs much more and stronger mental skills training than others?



Here, I am going to have a brief introduction or some methods to how catchers stay focused during the game while observing the opponents and
making decisions to direct the other 8 teammates on the field. We have received some questions and want to know about the sports psychology of the catcher on the court. 
Then Let's cut the chase.



We now turn to the first issue.
How do the catchers stay focused on the whole game? And at the same time observe the hitters, their teammates and make the defensive strategy or decision?



The usual meditation training helps them a lot, or training to control their concentration is helpful as well.
When they obtain information about their opponent team, and to remember those numerous of information,
this helps them to get used to thinking for a long time, and it makes them get used to their brain running all the time.
In order to remember the information of these opponents, this also keeps their brain being awake, and always thinking about
doing the job well and helping the team win this game. This belief also is the reason to make them stay focused on the court.


And before a game starts, some players will also write some information in the wristband to let them refocus on the court or on the pitcher,
to prevent them from losing their focus.
Regarding high-pressure decisions, lots of them said the only they can do is trying to help the team reduce mistakes,
making the best decisions based on intelligence, and if something bad happens, just let it go.


I think a very good point here is to prepare yourself and control what you can control, whether it is a defensive plan, your catching…, etc.
If a pitch gets hit, then just focus on the next hitter and focus on the present.


第二個問題: 捕手在比賽中如何處理負面的情緒、失誤,或是用些什麼方式安撫投手的失常?

How do the catchers deal with negative emotions in themselves or pitchers’ ones or mistakes in the middle of a game,
or what strategies do they utilize to deal with pitchers' abnormalities?


答(根據邁阿密馬林魚隊捕手 Ryan Lavarnway的Q&A影片):

According to Ryan Lavarnway's, a Miami Marlins catcher in 2020,  Q&A video.
He talked about very lot of strategies, like intensive self-talk to keep positive and focus on right now, and positive thoughts, shafting attention from a bad result,
and so on. 
The point he emphasized is if you made a mistake that mistake doesn’t define you. What you do repeatedly and what you do all the time, that’s who you are.
Do not self-define your mistake with your worst moment. Remember who you are and your teammates are not looking at your one mistake as that being who you are now. After any mistake, your teammates are ready to move on so you should be ready to move on. 
And about using what strategies to deal with pitchers’ situation. It always depends on pitchers. Mostly, I like to tell them to take a deep breath, help them slow it down, and restart the game, just make them feel comfortable. And I also like to give them a positive thing to think about, or a constructive mechanical thing to think about too. Shifting their perspective into positive and what we want to do. And away from what we just happening and what was negative maybe before.


第三個問題: 捕手都會做些什麼心理準備在比賽前或比賽中幫助自己進入到ZONE?

What mental strategies or mental preparations do catchers would do to help get into the ZONE before a game or in the game?

Before the game, try to simulate the opponent you are going to face, what kind of ball to throw, and which position the ball should go.
Develop some strategies, and do some imaginary situations before the game.

And, try to know more about your teammate’s situation today.
While I am receiving the pitcher’s ball in the bullpen, observe their throwing, their ball’s situation.
And the last thing, always remind yourself to do your job well, focus on the moment, and tell yourself that I’m playing in the best place, nothing else is a better place to go. That is some players’ self-talk to help them into the ZONE, or some others will have their routine, their ritual to help them get into the ZONE.


第四個問題: 捕手很少受到肯定,要怎麼確保自己的信心跟自己的成就感?
Pitchers usually received more credits and attention in the games.
How do catchers maintain their confidence or make themselves feel like they are a successful catcher?

Basically, they are concentrating on doing their job well: lead the team to win. And the pitchers’ success equals my own success. The team’s success equals my own success. Stay focused on the court at any time. Catch every strike ball; block every pitchers' bad throws and even steal some good pitches from an umpire, those are my job. The most important point is to tell yourself that do your job well and get a sense of accomplishment from it.
Lose a game doesn’t mean anything. If you got lost, then figure out what’s wrong in the game or which parts were not good enough and improve it. Practice leads the success, so just continue practicing, do every action right in practice. Be aggressive and be confident. Shift the attention to something positive. That all about keeps practicing. 


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